Tag: meadow

California native meadow project – third year

To prepare for a community garden club talk on this meadow project today, this slideshow was put together to show highlights from the first two years. This will give you an idea of what changes have been made from this former weedy field! First I seeded the meadow the first year, 2010, with California native…

Weed and more native plants will come

The natural meadow in the second year By that, I mean, this is the second year that I have weeded but not planted here. I’ve planted my 5 year old garden in irrigation zones.  The area around the house gets the most water and has the most ‘non-native, but Mediterranean plants.’ We’re on a slope…

Native California meadow in the second year

Big changes all around The meadow in May…checking the progress and weeding, weeding… Last year, here in the Sierra foothills, I started a meadow project in a weedy field below the south side of our home. Bounded by a sycamore tree on the south a path on the north, a rock garden on the west,…

The midsummer meadow

In early July, the meadow is at its peak and gives pleasure every day.  Here are some of the advantages and realities of growing your own!

A CA Native seeded meadow is possible.
It takes some weeding.
The flowers are bright and grasses wave in the wind
Bare spots happen.
Seeds wash down hill sprout where they can.
Seeds spread where they can and more flowers pop up.
Meadows need little water and care if native seeds are used.
Meadows can fit into a garden with perennials.
Meadows are  enjoyable for months of the year.

Meadow color

Meadow color in summer

2011-5-5 California native meadow in May, the ideal image in my head and now in reality!

2011-5-5 California native meadow in May, the ideal image in my head and now in reality!

July meadow

July meadow

Meadow in May, poppies, bird's eye gilia and tidytips mostly. Pacific fescue is blooming

Meadow in May, poppies, bird’s eye gilia and tidytips mostly. Pacific fescue is blooming

All the wild color make the Brodiaea look subdued.

All the wild color make the Brodiaea look subdued.

“Ah! How I long for the beautitude of a summer meadow-place
That calls me ever forward and slightly to the left
That begs of me to forget the stressful stresses of life.”

Slim Walter DeTurtlevain, Very Bad Poetry

Past the peak bloom-late July
This late afternoon, while watering, I noticed the last strong rays of sun glinting on the seedheads of the meadow. In mid summer, the last of the  California poppies and Globe gilia have done and are forming seeds. A few Clarkia amoena hang in and the yarrow is at its peak. The vulpia grasses are golden brown as they’ve been all last month.

A few Clarkia amoena hang in and the yarrow is at its peak. The vulpia grasses are golden brown as they’ve been all last month.

Everything is drying quickly and I have a bit more mulch I’ll cover the bare ground with as the plants shrink and dry. I’ve been watering about every three days by hand, especially the new perennials around the edge.…

The wildflower meadow in May

May Meadow In Fall of last year, I became tired of a field full of Filaree and embarked on planting a marvelous meadow of native wildflowers and grasses. The Filaree stickers are evil and they stick terribly to Maggie, our Corgi. Here are photos showing the progress  and challenges, with the first wave of flowers blooming…

Wildflower seedlings sown January 1st

Planting wildflower ‘muffins’

A wildflower experiment In my garden, I sowed a native California wildflower meadow. It was a very fun project and I learned a lot.  Now, in another area of my garden I call “The Natural Meadow” I continue more experiments!  See what I did! First of all, my objective here was to add very few…

Planning a large forest garden

Becoming stewards of our forest For some of us, here in the California foothills, especially those who live near the national forest, nature provides the perfect landscaping. Using the existing trees and native plants can help your garden design blend smoothly into the surrounding landscape.  Caring for  a large forest property has its challenges and rewards.…

Three levels, from right, cultivated Mediterranean and native plants, below path, introduced natives and beyond the bench, natural

Creating a long lasting garden

A common word in gardening this decade is ‘sustainable’; sustainable gardening is using the principles of ecological wisdom.  When planting and puttering in my garden, which is two acres planted with CA natives, Mediterranean plants close to the house and natural groomed forest beyond, I think of this. How do I also create a long…

Do you dream of a natural and beautiful wildflower meadow?

How to plant a meadow in California foothills I do dream of that!  In late summer, my new project was to find California native seeds in a large enough quantity at an affordable price, get rid of the weeds and get my meadow.  A couple posts back are photos and a description of the beginnings.…