California native meadow project – third year

To prepare for a community garden club talk on this meadow project today, this slideshow was put together to show highlights from the first two years. This will give you an idea of what changes have been made from this former weedy field!

First I seeded the meadow the first year, 2010, with California native seed.  The second year I waited letting the wildflowers reseed themselves with no new seed added. In the second year the meadow changed, with some varieties fading out and others thriving.

This Fall, since we’ve had some lovely rain, (…a gardener’s friend) and I’m beginning a third experiment and will reseed the same meadow with new seed, also California native seed.  I’m looking forward to another flowery year!

Please won’t you let me know if you try this?!

The Meadow project, month by month
What am I really doing in the garden in October?  Planning and removing weeds
Do you dream of a natural and beautiful wildflower meadow?  Finding and sowing seeding
Let’s check for progress on the meadow!  Weeding and watching the weather
How to weed a meadow in the Sierra Foothills  More weeding…letting the sprouts thrive
Let’s check on Fall and Winter projects!  Identifying seedlings
The wildflower meadow in May   Small triumphs
My California native meadow in June  Starting to bloom
The midsummer meadow  The peak bloom
Stomping down the Autumn meadow  Neatening up
Native California meadow in the second year


  1. ryan -

    Nice slideshow. It looks like it has been a fun project. Some of those images have a very classic California look.

    • Sue Langley -

      Thanks so much, Ryan,…if it looks like classic or natural California, then that’s exactly what I’m striving to achieve. It was so pleasant to walk down that way everyday to see the show.

  2. Country Mouse -

    I’m definitely going to try this – I tried once before and failed. Now I have a better chance, I think. But we’ll see. The CNPS just mailed me a 2011 issue of Fremontia ?? why!!? But I’m glad because it’s all about grasslands – and the big takeaway is that native grasslands are not mostly grasses – they are mostly other forbs, annuals and perennials. I’m also gathering a good bit of info about our coastal terrace grasslands. The preferred name is now “prairie” so we have coastal prairies here that I may model my meadow on – or maybe I’ll just go for local natives plus other natives that are not local and that won’t escape the garden, maybe – I’ll have to think about it more. BTW if you want ruby chalice clarkia I can mail you some from our local. Also golden yarrow, eriophyllum confertiflorum. Your slideshow is wonderful! I think a page on your blog about creating a meadow would be good – not a blog post but a page you develop to guide others through the process. Blogs are great but non-time-based info is also easier to access I think. I’m thinking about this myself as regards restoration topics I’d like to make available

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