
Secrets for a weed free gardenSecrets for a weed free garden

Secrets for a weed free garden

One year of seeds brings seven years of weeds! Three things will make your life easier when it comes to…

12 years ago

California native meadow project – third year

To prepare for a community garden club talk on this meadow project today, this slideshow was put together to show…

12 years ago

The wildflower meadow in May

May Meadow In Fall of last year, I became tired of a field full of Filaree and embarked on planting a…

14 years ago
Planting wildflower ‘muffins’Planting wildflower ‘muffins’

Planting wildflower ‘muffins’

A wildflower experiment In my garden, I sowed a native California wildflower meadow. It was a very fun project and…

14 years ago

The story of California native gardens is the story of weeds

Another post on weeds… Judith Larner Lowry in 'Gardening with a Wild Heart’ says “Somewhere in all this activity (of…

14 years ago

wordless weedy wednesday

          CA Native Seedlings Existing and introduced California native and non native seedling photos

14 years ago

How to weed a meadow in the Sierra Foothills

Project: Weeding the Meadow After rains and four weeks of sunny weather, a check on the progress of weeds and…

14 years ago

Do you dream of a natural and beautiful wildflower meadow?

How to plant a meadow in California foothills I do dream of that!  In late summer, my new project was…

14 years ago

What am I really doing in the garden in October?

1st Week I'm ready to move some plants around and plant more in a new area of the garden. It's…

14 years ago

‘Sweet vagrant’ tarweed

"What is that wonderful smell", guests exclaim! So spicy and fragrant, Common Madia, Madia elegans and Rosinweed, Calycadenia truncata are…

15 years ago