By Sue LangleyDrought tolerant plants, Plant Profiles' Sedum spurium, 'Autumn Joy', 'Dragon's Blood', 'Golden Carpet, 'Lemon Coral, 'Topsy Turvy', ‘Blue Spruce’ Sedum rupestre, California Dudleya, Cobweb houseleeks, Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga 'Flavida', Dudleya pulverulenta, Echeveria runyonii, Finger Aloe, Ghost Plant, Graptopetalum paraguayense, Sedum album, Sedum kamtschaticum, Sedum reflexum, Sedum telephium, Sempervivum arachnoideum, White sedum 9 Reasons we love succulents here! Why do we love these fun and fleshy little rosettes called succulents? Is it because they magically multiply? Or that they are fascinatingly cute? As gem-like accents to the landscaping in your garden, succulents add a beautiful contrast to rustic and rusty or galvanized containers. Hens and chicks, or…
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