Pretty face

The Wildflowers: Yellows and whites

"What's blooming Wednesday" In the Sierra foothills, after the blues, of Lupine, Vetch and Blue dicks, the early Spring wildflowers:…

10 years ago

Weed and more native plants will come

The natural meadow in the second year By that, I mean, this is the second year that I have weeded…

13 years ago

Working quietly along with quail

Weeding the natural meadow I work quietly, allowing my thoughts to fade away into just being. I especially don’t think…

14 years ago

Checking on May projects

Notes on what I am really doing in the garden. Mexican Primrose eradication in front beds Last Fall I decided…

14 years ago

A profusion of Pretty Face

Pretty Face, Triteleia ixioides Sunny starry yellow, Pretty Face is sometimes called Golden brodiaea or Golden Stars, and is native…

14 years ago

Spring’s Ephemerals in the Sierra foothills

 My idea of gardening is to discover something wild in my wood and weed around it with the utmost care…

14 years ago

Mysteries in the mulch

Get down... Get down low...and see the mysteries that may be in your mulch and layer of leaf liter under…

14 years ago