Mediterranean Plants

A New Zealand inspired California rock garden

 In 2009, I visited my sister in New Zealand and on one weekend trip we drove down to the city…

14 years ago

What to plant under oaks and pines in the garden?

Caring for native trees in the garden ...and a list of what to plant When faced with a new, mountain…

14 years ago

California natives mix with Mediterranean neighbors

Taking advantage our our beautiful 'natives' Adding drought tolerant Mediterranean plants to our existing California natives is a winning strategy…

14 years ago

Firewise Landscaping in the Sierra Foothills

When landscaping in a fire risk area, like the Central Sierra foothills of California, you normally have to keep a…

14 years ago

When I’m ‘gardening’ on the net…

These Favorites are 'Gardening Links' I use often, some are local and some are websites anyone can use to get…

14 years ago

Local, local, local

Welcome to Madera County Gardening Examiner , Facebook page. What you can do here: Get connected to informative articles about…

15 years ago

butterfly on the buddleia bush

Swallowtail on the buddleia this morning. Great, got a good focus, even though I was holding the camera way overhead.

15 years ago