
The Lavender Experiment

What happens if you don't trim lavender? You all may know I like garden experiments. For the last two years…

11 years ago

An ideal plant list for a new Sierra foothill garden

Drought tolerant and colorful plants for any garden... Sometimes you find an ideal list of plants suitable for your area…

12 years ago

Spicy mints in the foothill garden

Spicy mints? “Much Virtue in Herbs, little in Men.” - Benjamin Franklin The rich, spiciness of these plants makes them…

13 years ago

Then and Now-The back slope

The back slope, then and now In a series of Then and Now photos, it's satisfying to look back nostalgically…

13 years ago

October First Views-California’s Fifth Season

First Views is a meme that Town Mouse started to show seasonal view of larger areas of your garden, rather…

13 years ago

What to plant under oaks and pines in the garden?

Caring for native trees in the garden ...and a list of what to plant When faced with a new, mountain…

14 years ago

Rambling around in July

When you go out to the garden, with no objective in mind, it's surprising how much you can accomplish. Equipped…

15 years ago

Spring 2006-New Front Beds

The objective is to plant shrubs and trees as foundations for the beds. Here are the first plants put in.

19 years ago

February framing and planting without a hose

Last year we had built a retaining wall and I couldn't resist planting a few things like rosemary and lavender.…

20 years ago