
Iridescent Iris in Sierra foothill garden

Iris time! Iris are a Sierra foothill gardener's best friend in Spring because of the easy care and reliable beauty.…

7 years ago

Pretty propagating: How To Multiply your Plants

Propagating plants in a Sierra foothill garden Propagating plants is making new plants from existing ones in your garden. Anyone can…

8 years ago

What to plant under oaks and pines in the garden?

Caring for native trees in the garden ...and a list of what to plant When faced with a new, mountain…

14 years ago

Reblooming Iris ‘Hemstitched’

Rainy, stormy night and day. Big change in the hot weather of the last two weeks. This Iris just rebloomed,…

14 years ago

Barberry Blitz and Intriguing Iris

Nov 1st, 2007 I love the Fall color of the 'Royal Cloak' barberry, so determined to get more.  As a…

17 years ago

First Flower Beds

We have lived here for 8 months and five of those in the new house. As far as the garden…

19 years ago

June 2005-Plants Brought from Home

There are a certain number of plants that I brought from our previous garden in Southern California. The zone is…

20 years ago