Tag: garden design

Finished,..for now...

Green and serene: My woodsy sitting area

First exercise,…then relax……completing a ‘relaxing’ project! Friends, I’ve been stretching, doing knee bends and weight-lifting! At the gym? No,…my latest big garden project! Not too big a deal but I’ve been meaning to spiff up my sad, little sitting area under the big oak and started this week, by finding new chair cushions.. Serene and…

Thinking plant combinations in a California foothill garden

Have you ever noticed a striking color combination when planting flowers together by chance?  You suddenly see that the hot pink rockrose bloom looks stunning with lime and burgundy euphorbia.  Or you see that an orange Monkey flower contrasts wonderfully with an iridescent lavender-blue Cleveland sage ‘Pozo’.  I recently became aware of this particular combo…