By Sue LangleyGarden, Plant ProfilesAchnatherum hymenoides, Bush Beardtongue, California larkspur, Calochortus superbus, Chaparral Honeysuckle, Clarkia cylindrica subsp. Clavicarpa, Clarkia purpurea ssp. Quadrivulnera, Delphinium californicum, Downy Pincushionplant, Four Spot, Indian Rice Grass, Keckiella breviflora, Klamath weed, Lonicera interrupta, Mariposa Lily, Navarretia pubescens, Speckled fairyfans, Tomcat clover, Trifolium willdenovii This spring and summer several plants native to California much to my delight. A couple were known, but have just been correctly identified. All will be added to my list of Existing native Plants, a list of those here before we. It’s a fascinating, educational journey to form this list and very enjoyable. Bush Beardtongue,…
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