
Daffodil design

Inspired by a sunbeam. At 7:15am, as the sun peeks over the mountain peak, it focused on the petals of the daffodils,…

14 years ago

Nurse Logs in your garden

I first noticed the beneficial qualities of rotting logs when I gardened in the suburbs. The tree trimmers left stacks…

14 years ago

Manzanita ‘Howard McMinn’ and companions

This is National Wildlife Week and for that, I have chosen some favorite California native plants to show, as well…

14 years ago

Creating a long lasting garden

A common word in gardening this decade is ‘sustainable’; sustainable gardening is using the principles of ecological wisdom.  When planting…

14 years ago

A Winter walk with Maggie

Today, Maggie and I walked all the way to the bottom of the property, where it's fairly wild.…Read More+

14 years ago

Using ‘found’ broken pots in the garden

 Oh, no! Someone has knocked down a pot of flowers and broken it!  Ah, well, it happens... And sometimes you…

14 years ago

Woodpiles and other realities in the garden

I don't  have to have my wood stacked like this, nor could I,  to be satisfied, but I want to…

14 years ago

Design-Using the Colors of the Sierras

One idea was to match paint colors of our home to colors of the trees, plants and flowers right here…

24 years ago