Author: Sue Langley

A mild Sierra foothill winter-February First Views

While going out to photograph my ‘first views’ of February in my California  mountain garden, I already know that my predictions of January 1st,…that we’d have snow by now, are false.  My photos are for Town Mouse’s meme, First Views. Visit her post, and sign in to the Mr Linky tool there to join in! …

More winter gardening ideas for the Sierra foothills

Did you think you were through gardening in California Sierra mountains?  Usually we have rain and snow, but noooo.  Here are more winter gardening ideas and things to do for the Sierra foothill garden in California: Get ready to sow seeds. Rake out and remove weeds in the area you want to seed. Do not add…

Fire cautions in the Sierra Foothills

We took this photo up on the hill above our house, in the California Sierra foothills on  Tuesday. There is still fire danger out there and you can see the burned trees from 12 years ago.  This smoke above was from a stolen car set on fire. Fire slowly spread through our property in August 2001 before we…

Best winter flowering plants for the Sierra foothills

Snapdragons in January It may seem past the point where you would want to do any planting here in the Mountain Community around Oakhurst. But there is hope for a little color especially in pots close to the house and sheltered flower beds under the eaves.   Even some bedding perennials can bloom right now…

Indian summer-January First Views

 In each month of the year, on the first few days, we post wide views of what our gardens look like in that month.  Town Mouse of Town Mouse and Country Mouse, started this series of posts, called a meme, and any garden bloggers can take part. Go here to post a link to her blog.

Indian Summer.  Those words sound wonderful when, I remember shivering into my coat when coming in and out of the house in other Januarys. Now, not only am I not shivering, but I am out in the garden watering and weeding,…even planting with the sun hot on my back.

An Indian Summer is a period of considerably warmer temperatures than normal, usually in the Fall. While mostly associated with an Autumn event, in colonial times the term may have referred to a December or January thaw when tracking Indians after a raid was more difficult without snow on the ground.…

Decorating with Winter Berries

Decorating with natural elements for a fresh New Year!

After the holidays, I like to decorate my house in a fresh new way sometimes.  I bring out my favorite cobalt blue and aqua glass combination and if it’s snowy and cold, I lay the furry sheepskin over the back of the couch. This year I’m using the insulators that I found last spring at a yard sale and mixing them with a new color,.. red!

Bowl of berries
These Pyracantha coccinea or Firethorn berries are a bright spot on the steep bank to the south of the house.  Why not bring some inside, I thought? I put on gloves and gathered a few sprigs along with some cedar and a bit of blue to match the Rainbow bowl used as a low vase. I also spotted some myrtle berries I could try.…

Tiny violas self seed in the rocky soil

Violas in a bright December

Winter gardening Forever, I have loved the tiny flowered Johnny Jump Ups, Viola tricolor, which seed themselves happily around the garden. You can plant any violas or pansies from October to December for a head start on Spring!  They bloom right through the snow! “The sweetness of the Violets deep blue eyes, Kissed by the…

Inviting wildlife into your California garden

How we garden
Normally, gardeners have only had themselves to please when creating a plant world around them. And that’s one of the best things about gardening, it can be so personal. You don’t have to follow any plan or design, you can use your favorite colors and plant as many flowers or vegetables as you want. Beauty and functionality have been most important.

California mule deer were here first.

California mule deer

There are cottage gardens, woodland style gardens with shade, and the ever popular herb gardens.  But what about a wildlife garden? A wildlife garden is one meant to attract the native wildlife that would be living near your home if the original native plants were still there upon which they naturally thrive.…

Riding the High Country

 “Hmmm. Wonder where that goes?” My husband says as we pass by a hidden trail heading into the forest.  Those are familiar words to me and a joy to him as a new trail is a treat to explore with his friends where they’ll find new routes long ago forgotten through the spectacular Sierra National Forest. I know he’ll file that bit in his mind somewhere and go back later to check it out.

Central Camp Road, near our place

Central Camp Road, near our place

It was my husband’s work that brought us here to these woods and a particular joy to me to be able to get up high on granite peaks and deep into pine forests where the pines get shorter as you get higher.…

December gardening in the Sierra foothills

What you and I can do now in the Sierra foothills:

Christmas shop!
Christmas trees are at our local Western Sierra Nursery right now and as an added bonus, owner, Mark Holland, will be serving from his cauldron of chili most every day to shoppers buying bulbs, bare root veggies and violas, all of which are in plentiful supply. Be sure to check out the three huge bins of ‘Ugly Plant Sale’ in the back near the evergreen trees.

Mark Holland serves chili at the Western Sierra Nursery

Mark Holland serves chili at the Western Sierra Nursery

Try Deer resistant shrubs…