My name is Sue Langley. In 2005, my husband and I moved to seven acres of land in the Sierra Foothills of California, located just below Yosemite National Park. This began a new adventure for us and as a couple of city kids, we sure got an education about country life.
We never dreamed we’d be building our own house,…much less designing, tiling floors and painting it!
As a lifelong gardener, I am excited about gardening in this new location. The surroundings are wild and scenic, with a mountain rising high above the sloped property, filled with scrub oaks, manzanita and Ponderosa pines.
This is the story of my new house and garden, started from scratch, in Zone 7, with the help of my Sunset Garden book, a stack of clipped out magazine articles, the neighbors and the local garden club.
Why do I call myself a new mountain gardener? Why, because I’m always learning new things about my garden and the surrounding mountain community!
~~ Sue Langley