Finding Seven Rock

Locating a local landmark

7 Rock is a landmark referred to in the coverage of the recent Willow Fire, smoldering now, as this is written. Just where is 7 rock?

Seven rock, looking like a 7

‘7 Rock’ is a granite formation surrounded by green pine trees, high on a mountain in the Sierra national Forest. It can be found when driving up Central Camp Rd a mile or two and also can be easily seen on the right as you drive Rd 274 from the town of North Fork to Bass Lake, Ca.  It’s a well known local landmark and can be actually be seen from the valley, too, giving you an idea of which mountain you’re seeing when you head up Hwy 41.  A few local residents have only known this formation as ‘Figure Seven.’


7 Rock on map

It’s located on the far north of the Peckinpah Mountain or what is called the South Fork Bluffs, south fork meaning the south fork of the Willow Creek.  There’s a sharp hairpin turn shown on the map and 7 rock appears as a granite face as you turn that corner.  It’s the best place to take a photo of it.


July 26, 2015 Willow fire and Seven 7 rock, seen here at the far left


Willow fire and seven 7 rock as seen from Rd 274

The Willow fire’s origin was close to Willow Canyon Rd and Central Camp Rd and the fire reached into the 7 Rock area at its northern reach.  Local news articles remarked on the 7 rock as the northern most end of the fire area.

Seven 7 rock off Central Camp Rd

On drives up Central Camp, 7 rock is easily spotted as you round a bend.  A drive up Central Camp Rd, leads to scenic areas like Shuteye Peak, Gagg’s and Whiskers campgrounds and an overlook of Bass Lake.

Seven 7 rock can be seen from Hwy 41

Your voices:

Jody Hutchens “I have lived here over fifty years and always heard it referred to as Figure Seven. It is a well know landmark of our area.

Candi Rae Lewis I grew up in North Fork and always have known this as figure seven in my family.  I’m from the Topping family. My family has grazed their cattle up in the high country for many years

Rose Cobb says, “(I’m a )Mono Indian who grew up in North Fork,…my family has been there for generations,…this always was and will always be “Figure 7”

Hearing this from local folk, Seven Rock seems a short way of naming this landmark. It sparks the imagination, as some ‘see’ a number 3 or even a Dragon!

See also:  Riding the High Country

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She also manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

Published by
Sue Langley

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