Categories: GardenWinter

Winter welcome in the Sierra foothill garden

A Winter walk-around

What’s blooming? What’s happening? A walk through my garden just before Winter begins.

First off, the patio has been cleared of summer projects, tools, soil and extra containers! I’ve put three sugar cones in three pots to act as a winter centerpiece for the table and all the cushions are in the dry shed.  Rain has been in the forecast and in my view, we’ve already had more rain this month than all winter last year!


The meadow area has been weeded, raked, and seeded with brand new Native California wildflower seed fro S&S Seeds.  There are still tomatoes in the veg garden, but that will be January’s project,…to clean up that garden.


The new recycled arbor looks delicate here alongside the sturdy manzanitas.  I’m hoping at the shrubs grow, they’ll take on the shape of this form.


Big news this Fall was that, with a grant for fire safety, our property was fully brushed out 50 feet from all our property lines along the forest, giving us a good buffer zone.  They also left piles of cut firewood which we need only to collect and  25-30 brush piles to burn, with which Tractor Man is having fun.


Raindrops on the pine


The pineapple sage is deer resistant and highly recommended!  What else gives your garden so much Winter color!   You can see the lavender is also reblooming this month.

Yesterday, ….these were blooming

Bergenia crassifolia, a Winter bloomer, just starting
Mexican marigold, Tagetes lemmonii
Pineapple sage
Blackeyed Susans
Autumn sage, fading…
Swan River daisy, Brachyscome
Violets, wild

That’s a LOT! All live among deer and are not babied, (for sure!)


The wild salvia bed. The Black eyed Susans still bloom and the yellow in the background, behind the bench, is Tagetes lemmonii,…Mexican marigold,…also blooming in November through December.


The upper path,…creeping sage at left and trimmed Veronica spica,…the tall Veronica


Clouds looking towards Cascadel Woods,…winter wispies…


Some of the last blooms on the Autumn sage.


This tub of violas will get a head start on Spring and will survive the cold and the snow!


Looking north towards Shuteye peak, the shed and work table.


The importance of having Artemisia in the garden is apparent in Winter, when greens are predominant.  Here it’s sandwiched between common thyme and rosemary.


This antique bait bucket gives excellent drainage!


I just let the leaves to collect on the patio in Winter,…it’s made as natural as possible, but still allowing bare feet in Summer.  See the washing machine tub ‘fire pit?’  A housewarming gift from our friend, Colin.


The stunning view can’t be ignored!


I use the parsley and salad greens daily in this ‘cut and come again’ garden pot.

Welcome Winter!

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She also manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

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