Just wanted all my blog followers to know that I have switched from WordPress.com to WordPress.org and now my url is www.sierrafoothillgarden.com. What led to this change?
First, I found that I need to go back to work temporarily…hopefully for just a few years. This is a big change in lifestyle for me, since in the past I’ve always had my own business. Fortunately in our small town with few jobs available, I found an opening as garden coordinator at a local hardware store. It has a pretty little garden, nice coworkers and I found myself working full time at relatively hard labor (for my age)
At the same time, my ‘little’ Facebook page called Flea Market Gardening, began to grow exponentially, first milestone was 5000 people “liking” it, then 10K, then 20K last October and on and on. What a great group of creative people they are, posting several photos daily with instructions, re-purposed and found objects transformed into useful and beautiful garden features! What captured me most was the kindredship and community. I have made real friends there as I have here on this blog, I feel.
One thing suffered however and that is this blog, I missed reading my Google Reader, commenting on blog posts and writing my own posts. In fact, I was not able to garden much at all and thank goodness for the natives and drought tolerant plants, as they have had to be really tolerant! Without my dear husband to water everyday during our usual hot summers, the garden would have been sunk. I’m thankful for each one that lived.
Last August, I created a companion website for Flea Market Gardening, in an attempt to supplement my income in a small way by adding Adsense ads, offering a subscriber newsletter and posting on a regular basis. On the website, I can write longer posts than on Facebook, offer photos and instructions for projects and feature gardens of some of the active and creative gardeners there. An artist came on and embellished the page with her art work and graphics.
I’ve enjoyed working on the WordPress.org platform so much that this month, last week, actually, I switched over so I can now be as creative with Sierra Foothill Garden with the same Presswork theme. I’ve also changed my work schedule to part time and feel that I’m making progress. Maybe I’ll be able to water my own garden this summer!
Thanks so much for following my blog,…I don’t have the capability to transfer your ‘following,’ so if you’d like to continue along, won’t you click on the link and subscribe by email? I’ll also have an RSS link. It’s www.sierrafoothillgarden.com
I hope you like the new look!