Violas and pansies are perfect daffodil partners
Last year, I planted violas over the mini daffodils in patio pots and want to do the same this year. Deer don’t bother these on the patio,…they rarely come up the concrete steps any more and they aren’t attracted to either plant. It’s a safe zone.

In mid-March 2011, ten inches of snow fell..the violas are in front of the wheelbarrow. Can’t see it? The first big lump in the foreground.
So! Now, to recreate the planting using these pots saved in the potting area all summer. The violas faded and died over the summer, although some reseeded.
Here’s what I did:
First the soil was loosed carefully with a trowel and shaken into a container. This uncovered the tiny shoots!
The plants were eased in over the tips.
And soil was added…
That’s all! Now we just wait….through rain and snow…