April First views in the Sierra foothills

Pear tree in bloomPear tree in bloom

Pear tree in bloom

First views of my garden at the first of April….  First views is the brainchild of Town Mouse, with the idea that wider views will give a better idea of what our gardens look like and a record of how they change throughout the year.  Join in by visiting her post here!


I have been too tired to post!  And that’s tired. I took a fulltime job at the hardware store in town that has a garden shop.  They needed someone who was familiar with plants for our area, so the fit seems good.

The new view...as if we need more.The new view...as if we need more.

The new view...as if we need more. But the woods needed brushing and we needed firewood so strategic trees came down to give us this new view of Shuteye Peak.

Lettuce and onion garden will be planted with tomatoes, but not until mid-May.

I’ll be experimenting growing leeks to be planted in the empty tub. Bean seeds in the 6-paks

Salvia garden, middle level. Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman' starting to bloom,...pink is creeping phlox.

Bergenia in bloom. Deer ate a few blossoms, then let this alone. Thyme along the edges.

Natural meadow needs weeding and non-native grasses removed.

I’m hoping I’ll still be able to weed this Spring….we’ll see.

New CA native planting area

When my sister visited last October from new Zealand, we visited the local native plant nursery, Intermountain and picked out plants especially for this area.  We planted Salvia, Dara’s Choice, Yellow monkeyflower, and two Pozo Cleaveland sages next to the existing Spice Bush. We planted Narcissus ‘Obdam’ next to the path in several spots.  Planting with my sister makes this area even more special to me.

Narcissus 'Obdam' dresses up the path.

'Candystripe' Flowering Peach placed to add color

Year's first snow in the third week of March stacked up on the patio table 12 inches high.

Clouds put on a show when the weather changes.

Birds, violas and narcissus cheer up the patio view

View from inside gave us lots to watch in the cold weather, although the birds left their shells below.

Squirrel's eye view. He is Master of all he sees.

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She also manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

Published by
Sue Langley

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