

What deer say:

‎”Hey Got Food?”

“Did you hear something?”

‎” I thought you said you were going Christmas shopping today?”

“Will pose for food!”

‎”Please sir, I want some more.”

“We are the advance scouts,the rest come later.”     (I believe this one)

“Maybe if we wait…just a few more minutes…they won’t see us!

“Wow, look at all this good stuff they planted for us !”

“Is dinner ready?”


“Thank you for providing me with a safe haven in which to bring my fawn to frolic!” She’s definitely telling you with her eyes!

“Don’t move…maybe they will think we are statues”

“Is this where the buffet line starts?”

“Wanna come out and play?”

“Are you sure they said Rudolph really lives here!”

“Do you have a kids menu!”

“Honey, We’re Home!!!”

“When do you expect the corn to be ready?  I told Bambi you have the best around!”

“Of course they don’t mind.”

“Ooh shoot, the owner is home!” (I’m not sure deer say the word ‘shoot’)

Now, dear, the couple who lives here is very nice so don’t be afraid…  They’ll probably even feed us…  (We’re not that nice)

“Oh. Are we not supposed to dine here?”

“um, excuse me, but have you seen Santa Claus?”

“Let’s see…the buffet is open. What looks good?” ‎

“What did you do with the hostas?”

“Freeze…do you think she can see us?”

“Shhh…look! People!  If you stand really still, you can watch them. They’re so interesting” ‎

“Where have you put the hostas?” ‎

“What do you mean you don’t serve deer?”

“Talked to Buck, and he said to arrive about noon for the Christmas Patio Party.”


All these caption ideas are from today’s post on Flea Market Gardening on Facebook. I think these folks know deer.  One said this:

“Oh I have seen these two before…part of The Deer Family out of Blairsville, GA! I have the rest of the clan in my yard. You are free to keep them with you..they don’t say much but boy, they can eat!”


They CAN eat, but not in my garden so much. Most plants here are resistant to deer by plan.  So my caption is, “Sorry, guys, we’re all booked up for dinner.”

For an idea of what I’ve planted and had success with, see this list.


*The Flea Market Gardening page on Facebook has over 6000  folks, some in every state, and in several other countries,  posting ideas and photos of their gardens.  If you like flea market shopping, using those finds in your garden, check us out there. There is nothing for sale and all the photos are from real people’s gardens.  ~~ Sue
Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She also manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

Published by
Sue Langley

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