Categories: How toProjects

How to make an easy garden stepping stone

My friend crafty friend, Cheryl, and I have been at it again!  We had a brainstorm!   This stepping stone can be made in a snap using Ready-mix concrete and a plastic flat used by nurseries to hold ground covers. You can even reuse the mold to make more than one!

How many of us have a stash of these plastic flats with the built in pattern?


  • A groundcover nursery flat
  • A dry cleaning bag
  • Concrete
  • A large leaf or leaves with thick veins
  • Old or disposable gloves
  • Large galvanized pan or plastic tub


  1. Lay down a tarp over your work surface. Lay your leaf or leaves upside down in a design onto the bottom of the flat.
  2. Cover the plastic flat and the decorations with one thin layer of the dry cleaning bag. This makes it easy to unmold. Leave the edges wide enough to fold up over the project.
  3. Mix your concrete in the tub with enough water to make the consistency like thick brownie batter. Spread or pack carefully into the mold, patting it down with gloved hands.
  4. Fold the plastic over the entire project and tuck underneath to hold in the moisture and not blow in the wind.
  5. Unmold after a day or two, discard leaves and let it sit in its plastic for about a week to cure. Prepare a flat place on firm dirt or sand to place your stepping stone
  6. Repeat!


I placed this one at an intersection in the path that gets a lot of traffic

Note: For added strength, you can spread half the cement mix in then lay down old metal coat hangers or a square of chicken wire.

You can also decorate the stone by packing the concrete in, then pushing stones or glass beads into the flat surface. Dry and cure the same way. The stepping stones come out in a nice big size and just the right thickness! Set them down in a square pattern or diagonally like diamonds.

I hope you try this easy project. Have fun! 

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She also manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

Published by
Sue Langley

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