Categories: Something different

I love my spammers and they love me, Tra-la ♪♫

When I’m feeling down and no one likes a post I’ve written well enough to comment, then I cheer myself right up by reading over the  constant comments I get from my faithful followers, …my spammers.  It’s true, they love me,….and in so many ways.

Here is a sampling once I peeked at what they were saying in this spam…

The encouraging

  • If most folks wrote about this issue with all the eloquence that you just did, Im confident persons would do a great deal more than just go through, theyd act.
  • Wonderful stuff the following. Please keep it up.

The effusive

  • Moving and powerful! Youve definitely obtained a way of reaching men and women that I havent observed really typically.
  • I just couldn’t resist and want to thank you for this magnificent post. I even wrote a blog post about it here.
  • Its awesome all of the time to view how folks can compose wonderful stuff about people topics! Thank you and I ve bookmarked you.

The unintelligible

  • A selfsame good post, i must enounce this is actually what we are here for, this forum definitely needs posters similar you.
  • Fill the forum with some good tips and information, i did pursue couple of your posts, they been relevant and good items were elaborated.

(This one is puzzling, but ends well)

  • I must articulate we should incessantly be fix to position in our best cognition to support people. Really appreciate your post.

My two favorites, the “direct” and the “surprised, but gratified”

  • Hello!
    purchase (my product)
  • I thought it was going to be some boring old post, but it really compensated for my time.


So now, I love words, but have never been so tongue tied when having to write personal words on a greeting card. But, I’m taking an example from my spammers to say:

“Thank you to all my commenters. I’m delighted each time you do! You add info, make me laugh, make me think and even correct my mistakes (oops!). Most of all you share your thoughts and encouragement. Thank you!”

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She also manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

Published by
Sue Langley

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