Categories: FallPlant Profiles

Camellia ‘Yuletide’ Christmas

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Yuletide Camellia Christmas Tree, decorated now in siver balls and stars.

Since my ‘Yuletide’ Camellia, usually on the patio, is in full bloom, we decided to put it inside for our Christmas tree. With lights wrapped around the base and just a few silvery ornaments, it looks as festive as any tree we’ve had! Will watch it to make sure it does OK inside.  This one was a present from my husband two years ago. I’ve been feeding it regularly all summer and it is certainly performing now, true to its name. Does anyone else have one blooming?

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She also manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

Published by
Sue Langley

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