Categories: Winter

Snow days

The recent snow we’ve had this Thanksgiving, as seen in the blog header, reminds me of our first snow….
From March 2006:

Pictures tell the story of our first snow here. We’ve been in the new house for 4 months, and this snow, about 8 inches is our first experience ‘living’ in snow country.  Now, the neighbors tell us that it’s actually warmer here, … considered ‘the Banana Belt of the mountain area’, but, hey, it’s our first time, sitting inside, watching it snow! 

All other times I’ve seen snow is when we go up for the day to a mountain resort to play on a sledding hill. In our family, on New Year’s Day was when we’d go, play until lunchtime, eat a quick meal with hot cocoa and then jump into a warm car for the ride home.

I’m amazed and delighted with the snow blanketing everything, even our junk piles left from the house construction. I fear, though, for the new garden beds. All my plants but the evergreens have frozen and sunk into the mulch. What have I done?

This morning, I got out before the sun was up to see a completely white scene.  I walked the property, crunching through the snow, taking photos here and there. This is what I saw.

Snowy seatsSnowy seats

Snowy seats


Snowy pine boughsSnowy pine boughs

Snowy pine boughs

Snowy pines


Snowy bull pineSnowy goat shed

Snowy goat shed

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She also manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

Published by
Sue Langley

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