Tag: Manzanita ‘Howard McMinn’

March First Views- Snow Dust in the Sierras

March is coming in like a lamb.  What does that mean?  A little rain, a little snow, just an inch or so. One or two things are blooming and the daffodils are about 6 inches tall. My photos are for Town Mouse’s meme, First Views. Visit her post, and sign in to the Mr Linky tool there to join in!  The idea is to show wider views of your garden as it changes month to month.

The table centerpiece catches snow and adds a bit of color to the natural beauty beyond.

The table centerpiece catches snow and adds a bit of color to the natural beauty beyond.…

Manzanita ‘Howard McMinn’ and companions

This is National Wildlife Week and for that, I have chosen some favorite California native plants to show, as well as show one of the areas of my garden, with a mixture of CA natives and Mediterranean plants, that is starting to show some progress. The setting The land here is sloped generally 15 degrees and the…